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49 Irizar electric buses for Strasbourg

Irizar "ie bus" model, here in San Sebastián, willbe supplied to Strasbourg | © Press Irizar

49 zero-emission 100% electric buses will be supplied to the public transport operator of the Strasbourg Eurometropole CTS (Compagnie des Transports Strasbourgeois).

The vehicles will have 3 doors, 23 seats (4 of which are for people with reduced mobility) and 2 areas for wheelchairs. The buses are charged overnight at the depot. They are accessed by an electric ramp which enables wheelchair users to enter the bus. The batteries installed in the vehicles are developed and manufactured at Irizar e-mobility. The electronics and communications and their main components and systems are also developed by the Irizar Group. The first vehicles are expected to be delivered by the end of this year.

(Info: Irizar)
