On 13 August 2024, the Senate of the Freie und Hansestadt Hamburg approved the funding for the second construction section of the U5 underground line. The City Nord-Jarrestraße section will connect Winterhude, the northern part of Uhlenhorst and the southern part of Barmbek to the local rail transport network. The first section from City Nord via the Sengelmannstraße transfer point (U1) to Bramfeld, which is already under construction, will be extended by 2.6 kilometres, and two underground stations Borgweg (transfer to the U3) and Jarrestraße will be built.
A total of 1.5 billion euros is required for the construction. The completion of the planning for the section with the two additional stations was presented to the public at an event at the end of June 2024, and the planning approval procedure is now being initiated.
The extension to Borgweg is set to go into operation earlier than previously planned, in 2033, followed two years later by the extension to Jarrestraße. The section between City Nord and Borgweg will be built underground in the Stadtpark area using the shield tunnelling method, while the subsequent section to Jarrestraße will be built as an open excavation.

The U5 will be the first fully automated driverless metro line in Hamburg and, when completed, will operate along a 25 km route with 23 stations from Bramfeld via City Nord, Winterhude, Uhlenhorst, the main railway station, the university, Eppendorf accident hospital to the arenas in Volkspark. It is currently the largest underground railway project in Germany – with construction costs currently estimated at EUR 16.5 billion. The first section, City Nord – Sengelmannstraße, is scheduled to go into passenger service in 2029. 48 four-car trains with CBTC equipment have been firmly ordered from Alstom for the U5, we reported here:
https://www.urban-transport-magazine.com/en/alstom-and-hamburger-hochbahn-sign-framework-contract-for-new-metro-trains-and-signalling-technology%ef%bf%bc/ .