Strasbourg’s public transport operator Compagnie des Transports Strasbourgeois (CTS) will purchase 17 more Citadis low-floor tramways from French manufacturer Alstom for a total of €52 million. Together with the 63 Alstom trams delivered between 2003 and 2019 the Citadis will be the mainstay of the fleet.
The 17 additional trams to be delivered in 2022 will reinforce the existing lines, including line D, which crosses the French-German border and reaches the city centre of Kehl/Germany. The Citadis tramway has got all the permits according to the BOStrab, the German federal decree on the construction and operation of trams in Germany.

Strasbourg’s new Citadis will have seven modules and are 45 metres long. They offer a total capacity of 288 passengers. All are fitted with LED lighting and all-glass doors to enhance comfort and safety for passengers. Complying with the latest standards, the trams are equipped with double doors accessible to PRMs (People with Reduced Mobility), wider seats and areas reserved for wheelchair and stroller users. The tramcars will be assembled mainly in Alstom’s French factories, only the bogies situated under the driver cabins will be manufactured Salzgitter/Germany.
The tram will be used on the existing lines but will also serve the three stops on new branch line of route F between Faubourg National and Comtes scheduled to open in June 2020.
A network map can be found at: http://urbanrail.net/eu/fr/strasbourg/strasbourg-tram.htm