More than three years after the temporary closure due to roadworks, the tramway in Naples is operating again – line 1 Piazza Municipio – Poggioreale started service again on 31 January 2020. First test runs on the small network of the Naples tramway were under way since 27 September 2019. The trams had remained in the depot before, even though there was only a small construction site near the depot exit.
The 13 km long network of the Naples tram system consists of only three minor sections, which are served by three overlapping lines. It was only in 2013, when the new section of approximately 1.2 km opened to the public between Emiciclo Poggioreale and Via Stadera – the first new route kilometers for decades in Naples. A map can be found at:
The service provide 22 short three-module Sirio trams together with a number of older, much rebuilt four-axle vehicles.
(Up-dated version of the article published on 29 Oct 2019)
Full marks to Naples for this! I did however see many old tram tracks wich are not used. I hope they will one day.