(Steam and rails)
Subtitle: The history of the Viennese steam trams
The Viennese publishing house Berger presents a neatly printed book about the various Viennese steam tram lines that were built in the Austrian capital and its environs in the last three decades of the 19th century. The history and development of the lines are described in detail using various primary sources. Experiments with different technical solutions are also described, as well as the importance of the Munich company Krauss & Co. and others. The book ends with a short reference to the conversion of the last two lines to electric operation in 1921 and 1922.
Author: Roman Hans Gröger
Published by Verlag Berger, Vienna
78 pages, paperback, format 16 x 23 cm
9 illustrations, 4 maps
Price: EUR 25.00
ISBN: 978 399137064 2