For the third light rail line in the Tel Aviv Metropolitan Area – the so-called Green Line – the tender process has been concluded and the preferred bidder announced: A consortium of Alstom, bus operator Dan Transportation and Electra will build the 39 km long, north-south line by 2027. It has 63 stops and will split into two branch lines each in the north and the south. Five stops will be underground along the 4.25 km tunnel section. 120 low-floor light rail vehicles will be used on the line, the specifications of which have not yet been communicated in detail. 250,000 passengers are expected to use the line once completed.

Like the Purple Line (see: https://www.urban-transport-magazine.com/en/caf-group-in-a-consortium-to-built-tel-avivs-purple-light-rail-line/ ), the Green Line will be built as a PPP Public Private Partnership model. The consortium is responsible for planning, financing, construction, operation and maintenance for the period from construction to commissioning plus the subsequent operation for 25 years. The tendering entity and nominated public institution for the implementation of all projects in the metropolitan area of the Israeli capital is the NTA – Metropolitan Mass Transit System is a state-owned company responsible for the construction and operation of a local transport network of LRT and metro lines for the Tel Aviv metropolitan area.

Another network scheme of Tel Aviv’s future light rail system is available here:
https://www.urbanrail.net/as/il/tlav/tel-aviv.htm .