Modertrans, a local Polish tram manufacturer, could very soon have a new owner. According to Polish media reports, the Korean conglomerate Hyundai Rotem might be interested in the company. Reports of talks between the mayor of Poznan, Jacek Jaskowiak, and the president of Hyundai Rotem point to a possible takeover. The city of Poznan is considering the participation of a large foreign company in order to increase Modertrans’ production and expand into external markets. The market value of Modertrans is estimated at PLN 400 to 500 million (approx. EUR 92 – 115 million). The sales process will be driven by a market analysis and the preparation of an information memorandum for potential investors. The names of investors will only be published after signing a confidentiality agreement, and potential investors will then be able to carry out due diligence and submit bids. The process is expected to be finalised by the end of March.

Modertrans Poznań is a subsidiary of the public transport operator Miejskie Przedsiębiorstwo Komunikacyjne (MPK) in Poznań and is dedicated to the production, modernisation, construction, renewal and maintenance of rail vehicles and buses. The company was formed on 31 December 2005 through the merger of Zakład Napraw Autobusów in Biskupice (bus repair plant in Biskupice) and the tram repair department of MPK Poznań. The majority of the shares (75.92%) belong to MPK Poznań, while Zakład Napraw Autobusów (24.08% of the shares) is owned by the City of Poznań.
Since 2006, more than 524 Moderus Alfa, Beta and Gamma trams have been produced or modernised on the basis of existing vehicles.
In addition to Polish tram operators, Modertrans has also recently won its first order from Germany. From this year (2024) on, three four-axle Moderus are to be delivered to the Woltersdorf tramway. We reported here: